
Answered SG 2023


Revamped Answered Education platform from V1 to V2 in Singapore.
Tech Stack

  1. Laravel framework (web app and API) - PHP
  2. React Native for Mobile frontend - JS
  3. Bootstrap, JQuery, Laravel Blade as website Frontend - HTML, CSS, JS

Major library involved:

  1. OneSignal for trigger notification for mobile application
  2. Social Login (Facebook, Google, Apple)for both web and mobile
  3. Chart.js
  4. Vimeo
  5. Google reCAPTCHA
  6. CKeditor with Math & Chemistry symbol input

User Types:

  1. Admin & Superadmin
  2. Educator
  3. Student

Main features:

  1. Different role login + social login
  2. Couses, lessons with videos
  3. Assignments for Students
  4. Educator video & assignments management
  5. Video approval flow by Admin
  6. Chart display statistics
  7. Advanced Reports for Admin
  8. APIs for mobile application
  9. Whatsapp & Telegram link for Educator (with click track)
  10. Cronjob for monthly operation.